Tolkein's The Hobbit
After raising an unnervingly talented spider in secret, 12-year-old Charlotte must face the facts about her pet-and fight for her family's survival-when the once-charming creature rapidly transforms into a giant, flesh-eating monster .. Charlotte names the spider Sting after seeing a copy of J.R.R. Sting is not the name of a spider in the Hobbit, rather the sword Bilbo uses to fight the spiders.. While supposed to be set in New York City, the Australian set comes through, doorknobs are about 3 ft from the ground in the U.S.
, here the knobs are halfway up the doors
When showing a street view, the cars are parked on the "wrong side" of the streets compared to the U.S.. Frank: I don’t think spiders make good pets. You know, spiders don’t have the capacity to love. A spider only knows two things and that’s eat and kill..
What a Day to DieWritten by Patricia H
During the credits it is revealed that the dog Bonnie survived being taken by Sting.. Features Frankenstein (1931). EricsonPublished by Cradle Rocks & Low Tide MusicPerformed by The Pleasure SeekersCourtesy of d2 Music o/b/o Cradle Rocks Records. This is a horror movie for sure, if you like horror movies I recommend this one.
I won't ruin that here
As the title says, I went into it without knowing very much and that was a good thing. You know it's about a spider and a little girl, that much is from the cover. Is that spider good or bad, is the girl bad, are they friends, these are the things I had no idea about and kept it that way until I had a chance to see it in the theater. I would say this could probably wait for a streaming viewing or DVD/Blu-ray if that's still a thing.
If not, it's still good and worth a watch
The special effects are good, but it's not the type of movie that warrants a larger screen than most people have in their homes these days. If you like horror, give this one a go and try not to read too much on it so you can be surprised as well. There is blood, there is some gore and it's a great time.