Print Payroll Stubs in QuickBooks

Print Payroll Stubs in QuickBooks: A Step-by-Step Guide

If you’re using QuickBooks to manage your business’s payroll, you may need to print payroll stubs for your employees. Payroll stubs, also known as pay stubs or paychecks, provide a record of an employee’s earnings and deductions for a given pay period. In this article, we will show you how to print payroll stubs in QuickBooks, as well as how to email them to your employees.

Print Payroll Stubs in QuickBooks

Understanding Payroll Stubs

Payroll stubs, also known as pay stubs, are documents that show an employee’s pay for a specific period of time. Print Payroll Stubs in QuickBooks typically include:

  • Information about the worker, including name, address, and social security number
  • Earnings: Gross pay, regular pay, overtime pay, and any bonuses or commissions earned
  • Taxes: Federal and state income taxes, Social Security and Medicare taxes, and any other deductions such as retirement contributions or health insurance premiums
  • Net Pay: The amount of pay the employee receives after taxes and other deductions have been taken out

Setting up Payroll in QuickBooks

Before you can create paychecks and Print Payroll Stubs in QuickBooks, you need to set up payroll for your business. Follow these steps to set up payroll in QuickBooks:

  • To access the Employees option, launch QuickBooks.
  • Click on QuickBooks Payroll Setup to start the setup process.
  • Enter your company’s payroll information, such as pay schedule and pay period.
  • Add your employees’ information, such as name, address, and Social Security number.
  • Set up payroll taxes and other deductions.
  • Verify that your payroll information is accurate.
  • Once you’ve completed the setup process, you’re ready to create paychecks and pay stubs for your employees.

Creating Paychecks in QuickBooks

Creating Paychecks in QuickBooks

To create paychecks in QuickBooks, follow these steps:

  • Go to the Workers menu in QuickBooks by opening it.
  • Click on Pay Employees to start the payroll process.
  • Select the employees you want to pay.
  • Enter the hours worked or salary amount for each employee.
  • Review the payroll information for accuracy.
  • Click on Preview Paycheck to view the paycheck details.
  • Click on Create Paychecks to finalize the payroll process.
  • Once you’ve created paychecks for your employees, you can proceed to print or email pay stubs.

How to Print Pay Stubs on QuickBooks?

To Print Payroll Stubs in QuickBooks, follow these steps:

  • Go to the Employees menu in QuickBooks by opening it..
  • Click on Payroll Center to access your payroll information.
  • Click on the Paycheck List tab.
  • Select the paycheck for which you want to print the pay stub.
  • Click on the Print icon to open the Print Paycheck dialog box.
  • Choose the pay stub style you want to use.
  • Click on Preview to view the pay stub.
  • Click on Print to print the pay stub.

How to Email Pay Stubs in QuickBooks?

How to Email Pay Stubs in QuickBooks

To email pay stubs in QuickBooks, follow these steps:

  • Open QuickBooks and go to the Employees menu.
  • Click on Payroll Center to access your payroll information.
  • Click on the Paycheck List tab.
  • Select the paycheck for which you want to email the pay stub.
  • Click on the Email icon to open the Send Paycheck dialog box.
  • Choose the pay stub style you want to use.
  • Enter the email address of the employee to whom you want to send the pay stub.
  • Click on Send to email the pay stub.

Troubleshooting Pay Stubs in QuickBooks

If you encounter any issues while emailing or Print Payroll Stubs in QuickBooks, here are some troubleshooting tips:

  • If the pay stub doesn’t print, check that your printer is properly connected and turned on. Also, make sure that you have selected the correct printer and paper size in QuickBooks.
  • If the pay stub appears distorted or cut off when printed, check that you have selected the correct pay stub style in QuickBooks. Also, make sure that your printer settings are set to print at the correct scale.
  • If the pay stub doesn’t email, check that the employee’s email address is correct and that your email settings are configured properly in QuickBooks. Also, check your spam or junk folder in case the email was filtered there.
  • If you continue to experience issues, you can contacting QuickBooks support for assistance.


Print Payroll Stubs in QuickBooks is a simple and efficient way to provide your employees with important information about their pay. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can easily set up payroll in QuickBooks, create paychecks, and print or email pay stubs to your employees.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q.1 How do I print pay stubs for my employees in QuickBooks?

To Print Payroll Stubs in QuickBooks, go to the Employees menu and select Payroll Center. Then, click on the Paychecks tab and select the paychecks you want to print. Finally, click on the Print button and choose the pay stub style you want to use.

Q.2 Can I email pay stubs to my employees in QuickBooks?

Yes, you can email pay stubs to your employees in QuickBooks by selecting the paychecks you want to email, clicking on the Email button, and choosing the pay stub format you want to use. You can also set up email preferences in QuickBooks to automatically email pay stubs to your employees.

Q.3 How do I customize the pay stub format in QuickBooks?

To customize the pay stub format in QuickBooks, go to the Edit menu and select Preferences. Then, click on the Payroll & Employees option and choose the Company Preferences tab. From there, you can select the pay stub style you want to use and customize it to fit your business needs.

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