Quickbooks Error 15106 – Resolved [Get Quick Help]

QuickBooks Error 15106: Unable to open the file “C:Program Files (x86)QuickBooksquickbooks.exe”

How to solve QuickBooks 15106 error code


How to fix QuickBooks Error

QuickBooks Error 15106 blog section:

QuickBooks Error 15106 is a common error that occurs when you are trying to create, edit, or open a document in QuickBooks. This error can happen when you are trying to open a document that was created in a previous version of QuickBooks.

To fix QuickBooks Error 15106, follow these steps:

1. Close all open documents in QuickBooks.

2. If you are using a web browser, open QuickBooks online.

3. If you are using a desktop application, open QuickBooks and click the File tab.

4. Click Open.

5. Browse to the document that you want to open.

6. If the document is in a folder, click the folder name.

7. If the document is not in a folder, click the file name.

8. Click Open.

9. If the document is not open in the correct application, click the file name and then open the document in the correct application.

What is QuickBooks Error

This error is typically caused by an incompatibility between QuickBooks and a specific piece of software. If you’re experiencing this error, we recommend that you uninstall the offending software and try reinstalling QuickBooks. If that doesn’t solve the problem, we recommend that you contact QuickBooks support for help.

Causes of QuickBooks Error

There are many reasons why QuickBooks may give you an error message. The most common problem is that you have insufficient funds in your account. Other common errors include:

-Incorrect account number
-Incorrect currency
-Incorrect bank account
-Incorrect routing number
-Incorrect account type
– Incorrect business name
-Incorrect company type
-Incorrect company state
-Incorrect company number
-Incorrect company description
-Incorrect company email
-Incorrect company URL
-Incorrect company phone number
-Incorrect company fiscal year
-Incorrect company fiscal quarter
-Incorrect company fiscal month
-Incorrect company fiscal day
-Incorrect company tax ID
-Incorrect company VAT ID
-Incorrect company bank account number
-No business address
-No company name
-No company type
-No company state
-No company number
-No company description
-No company email
-No company URL
-No company phone number
-No company fiscal year
-No company fiscal quarter
-No company fiscal month
-No company fiscal day
-No company tax ID
-No company VAT ID

The following are common causes of these errors:

1. Incorrect account number

  1. Incorrect currency
  2. Incorrect bank account
  3. Incorrect routing number
  4. Incorrect account type
  5. Incorrect company name

How to avoid QuickBooks Error

When you encounter a QuickBooks Error, don’t panic. You can fix it and get your business back on track. This QuickBooks Error, 15106, is a common problem that can occur when you try to add a blog section to your company’s document. Here’s how to avoid it and fix it quickly.

First, make sure you’re using the correct version of QuickBooks. (If you’re not sure which version you’re using, our QuickBooks Support team can help.) If you’re using an older version of QuickBooks, you may not be able to add a blog section.

Second, make sure you’re using the correct type of blog section. You can’t add a blog section if you’re using a blogroll section, for example.

Next, make sure you have the correct blog software installed. If you don’t have a blog already set up, you’ll need to get that software first.

Finally, make sure you’re following the correct steps for adding a blog section.

If you still encounter QuickBooks Error 15106, our QuickBooks Support team can help you troubleshoot the issue and get your business back on track.

QuickBooks Error Summary


In QuickBooks, an error code 15106 occurs when trying to create a new blog section.

For a detailed professional, witty and clever explanation, please see the following blog post:

QuickBooks Error 15106: A Closer Look

Thank you for your question!


If you are experiencing an error with QuickBooks, there are a few things you can do to try to fix it. First, make sure that you are using the latest version of QuickBooks. If you are using an older version of QuickBooks, you may experience some of the errors that are listed in this article. Additionally, try running the quickbooks repair tool. If that does not fix the issue, you may need to contact QuickBooks support for assistance.

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