Sales Order Quickbooks – Resolved [Get Quick Help]

Sales orders are a critical part of any business. But if you’re new to QuickBooks, or you’re struggling to manage your sales orders, this guide will help you get started.

Quickbooks 2019 Tutorial for Beginners – How & Why to Use Sales Orders


What is a Sales Order in QuickBooks?

A sales order is essentially a set of instructions to a salesperson or sales team on what products or services to sell and when. It can be used to manage sales pipelines and keep track of sales progress.

A sales order can be created in QuickBooks by clicking the “Sales Orders” button on the company’s main menu, and then clicking the “New Sales Order” button. The new sales order form will appear.

To create a sales order, you will first need to create a customer, product, and quantity. A customer is someone or something you want to sell to. A product is the specific product or service you are selling. And, quantity is the number of products or services you want to sell.

After you have created your customer, product, and quantity, you will need to fill in the sales order form with the specific details of your sale. You will need to specify the price of the product or service, the date you want the order to ship, and the name of the salesperson or team members who will be selling the product or service.

Once you have filled in the sales order form, you will need to click the “Save Sales Order” button. This will save the sales order in QuickBooks.

Your sales order will now appear on the “Sales Orders” tab on the company’s main menu. You can view the status of the sales order (

How to Create a Sales Order in QuickBooks

Sales orders are a great way to organize your sales transactions and keep track of your progress. You can create a sales order in QuickBooks by following these steps:

1. In QuickBooks, open your company file.

2. Click the Customers tab.

3. Click the Sales Orders tab.

4. Click the Create Sales Order button.

5. Fill out the basic information for your sales order, including the order number, product names, and quantities.

6. To add products to your order, click the Add Product button and enter the information for each product.

7. To add quantities to your products, enter the number of units you want to purchase.

8. Click the Calculate button to determine your total order cost.

9. Click the Save & Close button to save your sales order.

10. You can view and print your sales order by clicking the View & Print button on the Sales Orders tab.

How to Edit a Sales Order in QuickBooks

Sales orders are documents that track the progress of sales transactions. They can be edited in QuickBooks to reflect changes in order quantities, prices, and other information. The steps in this tutorial will show you how to edit a sales order in QuickBooks.

1. Open the QuickBooks Sales Order window.

2. Select the sales order you want to edit.

3. On the Home tab, in the Sales Order group, click Edit.

4. In the Edit Sales Order window, click the Change button.

5. In the Change Sales Order window, do the following:

a. In the Order quantities box, type the quantity of the item you want to change.

b. In the Price box, type the new price of the item you want to change.

c. In the Date box, type the new date of the item you want to change.

d. In the Notes box, type any notes about the item you want to change.

e. Click OK.

6. If you want to change more than one item in the sales order, repeat steps 5 and 6.

How to Cancel a Sales Order in QuickBooks

If you need to cancel a sales order, you can do so in QuickBooks by following these steps:

1. Open the sales order you want to cancel and click the Cancellation button in the Action column.

2. In the Cancellation dialog box, click Cancel Order.

3. QuickBooks displays a message confirming that the order has been canceled.

4. Close the Cancellation dialog box.

How to Use Sales Orders in QuickBooks

Sales orders are a great way to manage your sales and inventory. They help you keep track of your sales progress and make sure that you’re getting the most out of your inventory.

Creating a Sales Order

To create a sales order in QuickBooks, first open your company file. If you don’t have a company file, you can create one by clicking the “Create a New Company” link on the QuickBooks main menu.

Once you have open your company file, click the “Sales” tab and then click the “Sales Orders” link.

Click the “New” button to create a new sales order.

In the “Sales Order Details” field, enter the following information:

The order number

The customer’s name

The order date

The subtotal (this is the total amount of money that the customer has paid you so far)

The quantity (this is how many units of the product you are selling to the customer)

The unit price (this is how much money the customer is paying per unit)

The tax rate (this is the tax that will be applied to the subtotal)

The shipping address (this is the address where the product will be shipped to)

The shipping method (this is the way that the product will be shipped, such as UPS or FedEx)

The note field (optional)


A sales order in QuickBooks is a great way to track your sales progress. If you have a sales order in QuickBooks, you can keep track of sales information, such as salesperson, products, quantities sold, and more. This can help you keep track of your sales progress and ensure accurate billing.

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