QuickBooks Simple Start vs Self-Employed:

QuickBooks Simple Start vs Self-Employed: Which One is Better for Small Business Accounting?

Running a small business comes with a lot of responsibilities, including managing finances. With so many accounting software options available, it can be tough to choose the right one for your needs. Two popular options are QuickBooks Simple Start vs Self Employed. In this article, we’ll compare the two to help you decide which one is better for your small business.

QuickBooks Simple Start vs Self Employed

QuickBooks is one of the most popular accounting software options available for small businesses. It offers a range of products, including QuickBooks self-employed vs simple start. While both software options are designed for small businesses, they have different features and pricing plans. In the following sections, we’ll compare the two to help you decide which one is better for your needs.

QuickBooks Simple Start: Overview and Features

QuickBooks Simple Start: Overview and Features

QuickBooks Simple Start is an entry-level accounting software that is designed for small businesses. It provides a variety of features, such as:

  • Invoicing
  • Expense tracking
  • Profit and loss tracking
  • Bank account syncing
  • Sales tax tracking
  • Reporting
  • Mobile app

QuickBooks Simple Start is best suited for small businesses that need basic accounting features at an affordable price.

QuickBooks Self-Employed: Overview and Features

QuickBooks Self-Employed: Overview and Features

QuickBooks Self-Employed is an accounting software that operates on the cloud and is specifically tailored for self-employed individuals. This software comes equipped with a variety of features, such as:

  • Invoicing
  • Expense tracking
  • Mileage tracking
  • Estimated tax payments
  • Quarterly tax estimates
  • Sales tax tracking
  • Reporting
  • Mobile app

QuickBooks Self-Employed is best suited for self-employed individuals who need to track their income and expenses, calculate taxes, and manage their finances on the go.

QuickBooks Simple Start vs Self Employed: Pricing Comparison

QuickBooks Simple Start vs Self-Employed: Pricing Comparison

One of the most significant differences between QuickBooks online Self employed vs simple start is their pricing. QuickBooks Simple Start offers two pricing plans:

  • Simple Start ($25/month)
  • Essentials ($40/month)

Both plans offer a 30-day free trial.

On the other hand, QuickBooks Self-Employed offers only one pricing plan, which costs $15/month. Additionally, there is a 30-day free trial available.

QuickBooks Simple Start vs Self Employed: User Interface and Ease of Use

Both QuickBooks Simple Start and QuickBooks Self-Employed offer a user-friendly interface that is easy to navigate. However, QuickBooks Self-Employed is designed to be simpler and more straightforward than QuickBooks Simple Start. This is because it is specifically designed for self-employed individuals who may not have a lot of accounting experience.

QuickBooks Online Self employed vs Simple Start: Tax Features and Reporting

When it comes to tax features and reporting, QuickBooks Self-Employed offers more robust features than QuickBooks Simple Start. This is because it is designed for self-employed individuals who need to track their income and expenses for tax purposes.

QuickBooks Self-Employed offers automatic tracking of mileage and estimated tax payments, which can save self-employed individuals a lot of time and hassle. It also offers quarterly tax estimates, which can help self-employed individuals plan and budget for their tax payments throughout the year.

In contrast, QuickBooks Simple Start offers basic tax features, such as sales tax tracking and profit and loss tracking. While these features are useful, they may not be sufficient for self-employed individuals who need more advanced tax tracking and reporting.

QuickBooks Self Employed vs Simple Start: Customer Support

Both QuickBooks Simple Start vs Self Employed offer customer support through phone, email, and chat. However, QuickBooks Simple Start offers more extensive customer support options, including a community forum, live webinars, and a dedicated phone support line.

QuickBooks Self-Employed, on the other hand, offers customer support through email and chat only. While this may be sufficient for some self-employed individuals, others may prefer more extensive support options.

QuickBooks Simple Start vs Self Employed: Integration with Other Tools

Both QuickBooks Simple Start and QuickBooks Self-Employed offer integration with other tools, such as PayPal and Square. However, QuickBooks Simple Start offers more extensive integration options, including integration with more than 650 apps and services.

QuickBooks Self-Employed, on the other hand, offers integration with a more limited set of tools, including TurboTax and Stride. While this may be sufficient for some self-employed individuals, others may require more extensive integration options.

QuickBooks Simple Start vs Self Employed: Security and Privacy

Both Simple Start vs Self Employed QuickBooks offers robust security and privacy features. They use encryption to protect users’ data and offer two-factor authentication for added security.

However, QuickBooks Self-Employed offers a more limited set of privacy features, as it is designed to be a simpler and more streamlined accounting software. QuickBooks Simple Start, on the other hand, offers more extensive privacy options, including the ability to restrict user access and control data sharing.

QuickBooks Simple Start vs Self Employed: Pros and Cons

QuickBooks Simple Start vs Self-Employed: Pros and Cons

The followings are the advantages and disadvantages of each accounting software:

QuickBooks Simple Start Pros:

  • More extensive features, including inventory tracking and time tracking
  • More extensive customer support options
  • More extensive integration options

QuickBooks Simple Start Cons:

  • Higher pricing plans
  • May be too complex for self-employed individuals who only need basic accounting features

QuickBooks Self-Employed Pros:

  • Lower pricing plan
  • Streamlined and easy-to-use interface
  • Robust tax features and reporting

QuickBooks Self-Employed Cons:

  • Limited integration options
  • Limited customer support options


Both QuickBooks Simple Start vs Self Employed is popular accounting software options for small businesses. While QuickBooks Simple Start offers more extensive features and customer support options, QuickBooks Self-Employed offers more robust tax features and a simpler, more streamlined interface.

When choosing between the two, it’s important to consider your specific business needs and budget. If you need more advanced accounting features and are willing to pay a higher price, QuickBooks Simple Start may be the better option. However, if you are a self-employed individual who needs robust tax features and a more straightforward interface, QuickBooks Self-Employed may be the better fit.

In any case, both software options are worth considering and can provide significant benefits for small business owners. By using these tools to track finances, manage invoices, and prepare for tax season, businesses can save time and money while staying organized and compliant.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1. Can I use QuickBooks Self-Employed if I have employees?

QuickBooks Self-Employed is primarily designed for self-employed individuals who don’t have any employees. However, if you have a small number of contractors or freelancers that you work with, you can use the software to track payments and expenses related to those individuals. If you have full-time employees, it’s best to consider other QuickBooks options, such as QuickBooks Online or QuickBooks Desktop, which are better suited for businesses with employees.

Q2. Is QuickBooks Simple Start suitable for businesses that sell products?

QuickBooks Simple Start can be used by businesses that sell products, but it may not have all of the features that are needed for managing inventory and tracking the cost of goods sold (COGS). If you have a small retail or e-commerce business, you may want to consider upgrading to QuickBooks Online or QuickBooks Desktop, which has more advanced inventory management features.

Q3. Can I import data from other accounting software into QuickBooks Simple Start or QuickBooks Self-Employed?

Yes, both QuickBooks Simple Start vs Self Employed allows you to import data from other accounting software, such as Excel, CSV, or QuickBooks Desktop. This can save you time and effort when switching to a new accounting software. However, it’s important to note that the import process may not be perfect, and you may need to manually review and adjust the data after the import is complete to ensure accuracy.

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